It is a great pleasure to present you the activity and services of Transgex, Oradea.
Transgex is one of the greatest companies that perform geothermal waters drilling jobs in our country.
We would like you to have am overview on the activity and services we can carry out and hope we could promote future bussiness relationsbased on seriousness and professionalism.
In present S.C. TRANSGEX S.A. Oradea, ,is certified in geological research and exploitation of underground waters (CERTIFICATE OF ATESTATION National Agency for Mineral Resources No. 745 / 2009 ) and has the following objects of activity :
1. Execution of deep depth drillings (till 2800m) for geothermal waters.
2. Execution of medium depth drillings (till 300m) for undergroumd waters (hidrogeological research and fulling with potable and industrial water )
3. Hidrodinamic tests and data arrangement for determining the water bearing parameters
4. Workings for hidrogeological research in stade of prospect and exploration for geothermal waters
5. Workings for geothermal waters research : production (exploitation pomping equipment), transportation (assemblage bellow ground transportation pipes ), distribution ( equipage thermic points with heat alternate and pushing pomps for hot potable water)
6. Hidrogeological studies for approval the execution of the water supply drillings .
7. Execution projects for water supply drillings.
8. Technical documentation for the caracteristics of water supply drillings and of open water bearings , for obtaining the authorizations of water management.
9. Documentations with water and heat resources and supllies calculation
10. Documentations with instauration of hidrogeological and sanitar protection perimeters
11. Documentations with instauration of exploitation and exploration perimeters
12. Documentations with development plans for exploitation in several perimeters of exploitation of geothermal water.